dimarts, 7 de juny del 2011

The best year ir fourth of eso, because we going to Italy to all my friends and we meet italian people. Other best thing are the playback, we practise a lot and we spend a very good time with my friends.
I going to do batxillerat next year on IES Castelló d'Empúries and I course the cientific.
dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011
I've been cheated by you since I don’t know who
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn
I don't know how but I suddenly lose control
There's a _____ with in my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything
Mamma mia, here I go agained
Ooooh Ooooh,
My my, _____ can I resist ya
Mamma mia, does it show again
My my, just how much I've missed ya
Blue since the day we parted
My my, I could ever you go
Why, _____ did I ever let you go
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Mamma mia, now I really know
I’ve been angry and ______, about things that you do
I can't count all the times that I've told you we’re through
And when you go, when you slam the door
I think you know, that you want be ______ to long
You know that I’m not that strong
Just one look and I can hear a bell _______
One more look and I forget everyone
Mamma mia, here I go agained
Ooooh Ooooh,
My my, _____ can I resist ya
Mamma mia, does it show again
My my, just how much I've missed ya
Blue since the day we parted
My my, I could ever you go
Why, _____ did I ever let you go
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Mamma mia, now I really know
Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you
Mamma mia, does it show again
My my, just how _______ I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go
Mamma mia, now I really ________
My my, I could never let you go
brokenhearted = ___________
slam = ___________
bell = __________
parted = ___________
could = ____________
Chated = ____________
Suddenly = ____________
Throught = __________
Soul = ___________
Parted = __________
Mamma Mia
When was the song written?
The song was written in 1975.
Who sang it first?
Donna Sheridan sang it first.
Was it a big hit?
Yes, was one of the bests songs of the group ABBA.
Any other interesting info? (records, interviews, photos, facebook page, ...)

I've been cheated by you since I don’t know when - Jo he estat engañada des de no recordo quan
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end - Doncs ja he pres una decisió aixo s'ha d'acabar
Look at me now, will I ever learn - Mira'm ara, ¿Mai apendré?
I don't know how but I suddenly lose control - No sé com però he perdut el control
There's a fire with in my soul - Hi ha foc dins la meva ànima
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring - Una mirada i jo puc sentir sonar una campana
One more look and I forget everything - Una mirada més i ho oblido tot.
Ooooh Ooooh,
Mamma mia, here I go again - Mama mia, aquí estic un altre cop
My my, how can I resist ya - jo, jo, ¿Com puc resistir-te?
Mamma mia, does it show again - Mama mia, es mostre un altre cop
My my, just how much I've missed ya - jo, jo, ¿Quan t'he trobat a faltar?
Yes, I've been brokenhearted - Si, m'han trencat el cor
Blue since the day we parted – vaig estar trista desde el dia en que ens vam separar
Why, why did I ever let you go – per qué? Per qué vaig deixar-te anar?
Mamma mia, now I really know – Mamma Mia, ara realment comprenc
My my, I could never you go – Jo, jo, Mai podré deixar-te anar
I’ve been angry and sad, about things that you do – Vaig estar enfadada i trista per les coses que vas fer.
I can't count all the times that I've told you we’re through – No puc contar totes les vegades que et vaig dir que t'en anessis
And when you go, when you slam the door – i quan t'en vas, quan amb un cop de porta
I think you know, that you want be away to long -crec que tu saps que no t'en aniràs per molt de temps
You know that I’m not that strong – Tu saps que jo no sóc forta
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring – Només una mirada i puc escoltar sonar una campana
One more look and I forget everything – Una mirada més i ho olbido tot.
Ooooh Ooooh,
Mamma mia, here I go again - Mama mia, aquí estic un altre cop
My my, how can I resist ya - jo, jo, ¿Com puc resistir-te?
Mamma mia, does it show again - Mama mia, es mostre un altre cop
My my, just how much I've missed ya - jo, jo, ¿Quan t'he trobat a faltar?
Yes, I've been brokenhearted - Si, m'han trencat el cor
Blue since the day we parted – vaig estar trista desde el dia en que ens vam separar
Why, why did I ever let you go – per qué? Per qué vaig deixar-te anar?
Mamma mia, now I really know – Mamma Mia, ara realment comprenc
My my, I could never you go – Jo, jo, Mai podré deixar-te anar
Mamma mia, its a game we play – Mamma mia, es un joc al que juguem
Bye bye, does’t mean forever – Adeu,Adeu no significa que per sempre
Ooooh Ooooh,
Mamma mia, here I go again - Mama mia, aquí estic un altre cop
My my, how can I resist ya - jo, jo, ¿Com puc resistir-te?
Mamma mia, does it show again - Mama mia, es mostre un altre cop
My my, just how much I've missed ya - jo, jo, ¿Quan t'he trobat a faltar?
Yes, I've been brokenhearted - Si, m'han trencat el cor
Blue since the day we parted – vaig estar trista desde el dia en que ens vam separar
Why, why did I ever let you go – per qué? Per qué vaig deixar-te anar?
Mamma mia, now I really know – Mamma Mia, ara realment comprenc
My my, I could never you go – Jo, jo, Mai podré deixar-te anar
dilluns, 23 de maig del 2011
Well i been breaking it down for you baby / Bueno, sé que me vine a bajo por tu baby,
Been running around, I cant see no love for me/Estube corriendo alrededor, no pude ver ningun amor para mi.
Somebody rescue me/Que alguien me rescate
Im the king of the town Mr crazy, / Soy el rey de la ciudad, el señor loco
creating the sound, there's still no love for me, / creo el sonido, todavía no hay un amor para mi
somebody rescue me, /Que alguien me rescate
Just rescue me, /Que me rescate ahora
Rescue me, /Rescatame
Rescue me/ Rescatame
They call me S-K-E-P-T-A, / Me llaman S-K-E-P-T-A
Before i start i just wanna say, /Antes de empezar solo quiero decir
Boy Better Know all day, /El mejor chico que conozes todo el dia
I got bumble bee's tryin to figure out how i got this buzz,/ Tengo abejas tratando de conseguir como conseguir este boca a boca.
All i want is a kiss and a hug but somebody told specsavers i still cant see no love,/ Todo lo que quiero es un beso y un abrazo, pero qlguien dijo que specsavers todavia no puede ver nada del amor.
Days, month, years, blood, sweat, tears, /Dias. meses, años, sangre, sudor, lagrimas
I walk the street of london facing my fears, /Camino por las calles de Londres frente a mis miedos.
And everydays like truth or dare, /I cada dia como la verdad se atreve
So spin that bottle, /Y asi giro la botella
Cus if it lands on me, imma stay true to my word, /porque cuando cae sobre mi, Imma permanecera fiel a su palabra.
I dont want anymore respect than i deserve/ No quiero más respeto que el que me merezco
Well i been breaking it down for you baby,/ Bueno sé que me vine abajo por ti baby
Been running around i cant see no love for me,/Estube corriendo alrededor, no pude ver ningun amor para mi
somebody rescue me/ que alguien me rescate
Im the king of the town Mr crazy, / Soy el rey de la ciudad, el señor loco
creating the sound, there's still no love for me, / creo el sonido, todavía no hay un amor para mi
somebody rescue me, /Que alguien me rescate
Just rescue me, /Que me rescate ahora
Rescue me, /Rescatame
Rescue me/ Rescatame
Just, no ceiling, no doors, i walk all over the beat,/ solo, sin techo, sin puertas, camino con ritmo
No floors i tell a hater i love you loads,/ No suelo decirle al enemigo que me lo quiero cargar
Tell a supporter how i love you more,/Mandar a un seguir como te quiero más
And they say ive changed, I say im making a change, / i dicen cambié. yo digo estoy haciendo un cambio
I left the road making a brand new lane,/ Sale de la construcción de carreteras de un carril nuevo
Still i get no thank you, no round of applause,/Aun me sale el no gracias, que no salva los aplausos
So i keep on driving, im upset but i keep on smiling, Asi que sigo en la conducción, estoy enfadado, pero sigo sonriendo
And when i get knocked down i get back on my two feet and i keep on fighting,/ y cuando me derribo me vuelvo a poner de pie y sigo luchando
I sacrifice still privacy so i can live my dream what a irony,/me sacrifico tofavia para que pueda vivir mi sueño de lo que es una ironia
Cus now my reality is far from the place i would like to be,/Porque ahora mi realidad està lejor de la de ir a un lugar i ser como quieres ser.
Well i been breaking it down for you baby,/ Bueno sé que me vine abajo por ti baby
Been running around i cant see no love for me,/Estube corriendo alrededor, no pude ver ningun amor para mi
somebody rescue me/ que alguien me rescate
Im the king of the town Mr crazy, / Soy el rey de la ciudad, el señor loco
creating the sound, there's still no love for me, / creo el sonido, todavía no hay un amor para mi
somebody rescue me, /Que alguien me rescate
Just rescue me, /Que me rescate ahora
Rescue me, /Rescatame
Rescue me/ Rescatame
dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011
divendres, 18 de març del 2011

(of Costa Live news)
The words I learn
Strokes-tiradas (de golf)
awarded-va ser acollit
An the end of September the inauguration tourney of Lacoste, 4 Naciones, the teams from Spain, France, Italy and Netherlands. The Spanish team won the competition.
I don't like the golf a lot, but I never practise that. I chose this article because I think it's interessing because It's a European's competition and some of important countries participate on it and I think that it's a interessing news. I chose this news because the winner of the competition was the Spanish team too.
Love story - Taylor Swift
Tanco els ulls
I el flashback comença
Estic de peu,
En un balcó en l'aire d'estiu.
Veig les llums
Veigla festa, els vestits del ball
Veig que et fas camí a través de la multitud
I em dius hola, no m'ho imaginava
tu eres Romeo, estaves tirant pedres
I el meu pare et va dir allunya't de Julieta
I jo estava plorant a l'escala
Pregant que si us plau no t’en vagis, i et vaig dir
Romeo porta'm a algun lloc on puguem estar sols
Estaré esperant sempre fins que es dugui a terme
Tu seràs el príncep i jo seré la princesa
És una història d'amor només digues que si
Així que al jardí per veure't
Ens mantenim tranquils perquè estem morts si ells sabien
Així que tanca els ulls
Escapar d'aquesta ciutat per una estona
Perquè tu eres Romeo, jo era una lletra escarlata
I el meu pare va dir allunya't de Julieta
Però tu eres tot per a mi
Estava pregant que per favor no et vagis i em va dir que
Romeo porta'm a algun lloc on puguem estar sols
Estaré esperant tot el que queda per fer és executar
Tu seràs el príncep i jo seré la princesa
És una història d'amor només digues que si
Romeo salva'm, ells tracten de dir-me com se senten
Aquest amor és difícil, però és real
No tinguem por, que aconseguirem sortir d'aquest embolic
És una història d'amor només digues que si
Oh oh
Em vaig cansar d'esperar
Es pregunta si mai es ve al voltant de
La meva fe en tu s'està esvaint
Quan et vaig conèixer als afores de la ciutat, i li vaig dir
Romeo salva'm, m’he estat sentint tan sola
Segueixo esperant per tu però mai arribes
És això al meu cap? No sé què pensar
Es va agenollar a terra i va treure un anell
I va dir: casa’t amb mi Julieta
no hauràs de estar mes sola
T'estimo i això és tot el que realment sé
Vaig parlar amb el teu pare, per anar a buscar un vestit blanc
És una història d'amor només digues que si
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Perquè els dos érem joves quan et vaig veure
1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet are two lovers, but their love is impossible because their familys hate the,. Both want to escape to be together.
2.Where did they live?
They lived is Verona
3.What were their family names?
Juliet’s family was he Capuleto and Romeo were of montesco’s family.
4.Who wrote the story?
William Shackspeare
5.When was the story written?
6. What is the source of this story(origin)?
The story was write for Shakespeare.
7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?
It’s a tragedy, because it’s a story of a impossible love.
8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer
Today are a lot of similar stories today.