The butterfly is a special animal. It is not the african king, it is non the most small animal, it is not more fast than a eagle... It is only a beautiful animal with great elegance and spectacular colours. It can fly to the sky and be free.
The butterfly is a independent animal without enemies, it only lives good and alone.
Sometimes I envy this animal because I want to be free like it, without obligations, and enjoy their rights of freedom.
This summer was a great summer! I stood in Hastings (england) for one month. In Hastings I learnt a lot of english and I met a lot of friends for diferents countries. For example Leah, my austriach friend. We were very giid friends and every night we go to fluid, a Hasting's disco. I met Spanish people too, Asu, Laura, Agatha, Nina, Sara... They are amazing!
My friends and I sometimes did party beach with other Hasting's people, and we were dancing all the night.